Is it time to argue for a new political system?

Is it time to argue for a new political system?

Perhaps, yes.

The context is that we [in Britain] are currently governed by a party that weren’t elected with a majority and don’t therefore have a mandate, have a Prime Minister leading them who, whatever you think of his politics and policies, has been proven a liar and has proven himself to have very exceedingly poor judgement in those he trusts.

Just to clarify some of those facts.  Liar… count numerous from broken election promises on NHS and Building Schools for the Future, to the bigger ones of trying to get rid of the lobbying that is epidemic in Parliament (despite a Tory cabinet who are all massively involved with lobby groups protecting their own interests).  Poor Judgement…  News International, Liam Fox [(“I have every confidence in Liam Fox” – I rest my case)]

And yet he’s not personally accountable to anyone except members of his own party (who could put forward a vote of no confidence in him if they wished).  And without that we are stuck with him, and them, for another four years.  How many more times may we be lied to in that time and betrayed by him and members of his inner circle without being able to do a thing about it?

So what alternatives?  Probably the best model hasn’t been invented yet.  But I do find the American model more and more appealing.  I don’t think Politics should be about personalities.  Particularly putting as much faith in one personality as the Americans do in their President.

But increasingly (particularly under a Coalition), the Prime Minister takes on such a role in our society anyway, so why not just elect him and then let him assemble the team he wants?  Only we need some sort of accountability built in.

I’m asking the questions here, not giving the answers.  But what about making it a Criminal Offence to lie to the public (is it already?)  One lie and your arrested and have to give up your position.

Seem a bit harsh?  Wouldn’t it be great though to know we could trust politicians?  What’s so wrong with the idea.

Either way, I’m not suggesting a Workers Revolution, or Proportional Representation.  I’m not suggesting a Dictatorship or a Monarchy or a Presidency.  I think I might want something that hasn’t been invented yet.  But I do feel that David Cameron has absolutely no right to be leader of this country anymore.  He’s lost the confidence of everyone who doesn’t already believe in him and proven why his government didn’t get a majority.  But somehow, we can’t make him go for that.